Transport Cart Liebherr LR 634

  • Transport Cart Liebherr 634 LR for Volvo 8x8
    All-metal construction with 2 electric actuators jacks to lift 15 kg ( 634 )(NO CTI) of our production
    DIY 100%
    Cart is one of the following means .....
    short the first photographs of the production


  • The transport trolley track with the electromechanical azionametnto.
    We need, therefore, appropriate electrical jacks.
    I decided to realize my engineer jacks ellettrici.
    Facts calculations, the project was the first prototype.
    The initial work has been done, you can also use them for future accomplishments. in addition to the specific jacks for lifting the floor of the carrellone, there will be a series of jacks elelttrici of various measures, for the typical uses of the case, as motorization of MMT static models,

    Here the prototype, which has already passed the first test.
    In the photo is missing the front attachment. Will be connected by a simple M4 thread.
    The jack is really small, as can be deduced from the measures listed below.

    And ' one of my private project and realization of my partner .
    All parts visible in the photo, as much of the internal mechanism , made on a lathe , then assembled and welded by hand.
    The components are purchased instead , however, the result of careful research and selection ( and a lot of experience now traveled) , which aims to performance and reliability while maintaining extremely miniaturized dimensions .

    It is not easy to work on componentisca " breadstick " .

    Some technical features :

    - Struttra entirely of metal (brass and nickel-plated naked ) .
    - External diameter mm barrel . 12.85 .
    - Length mm . 105 . The jack in the picture, the better to speak, has dimensions very similar to those of 634.
    - Maximum torque kg . 8,0.
    - Speed ​​mm.8/sec . This is the version for lifting platform , so slow , that MMT will be slightly faster .
    - Supply voltage 6 volts.
    - Sliding elements techno polymer bound to solid lubricants .
    - Silenced motor .
    - An integrated interference filters .
    - System of electronic limit switches .
    - Keeping anti-dust and anti water on his head.

    The jack is all about them , as small as measures mensionate incorporates inside if all the electromechanical suitable spigionare so much torque .
    It has no other protrusions , no swelling, no nothing , and all of them . You install it as you see it in the picture.
    The only difference with the final version and that the present small fake fittings in the head and on the back , as in hydraulic jacks . From these fake fittings , will unwind the electrical cables blacks circular section (like the one in the picture, but smaller diameter ) that will simulate the tubes , combining business with aesthetic value.
    The jack has electronic limit (upper and lower ) to the carbon. So no problem when you play , you should not be with the anxiety of constant and unnecessary stress limit . When the cylinder reaches end of stroke stops automatically reactivated when the implementation is required in the opposite direction .
    The jack is proportional .
    The jack resists stalls ceilings . Although it is not advisable to abuse of unnecessary stress , the components are sufficient to withstand without problems arrests of the engine under full load.
    The reduction system , despite the dimesnioni tragically miniaturized , it is very valid . It ' a 3-stage planetary gearbox with metal gears . 16 gears in all, each slightly larger than an ant.
    The jack has guide anti autorotation , or of a gaming that prevents utorotazione delo stem during the movements vacuum . This gaming , like other of the measures listed , it is not yet present in the prototype .

    How do I install ?
    Simple . Take the spinet jack , fits into a free channel Receiver and ... good game . Finish.
    Pressing the control for that channel the jack will move proportionally.
    You do not need any 12 volt power supply or battery, the jack is fed directly to 6 volts from the receiver .
    You do not need any additional circuit .
    You do not need a card.
    No need for the regulator.
    Simply installing the jack in the model, takes his spinet , it connects to a free channel Receiver and .. good game . The jack will do everything by itself.

    SHORT THE FIRST TEST VIDEO OF THE SAME .... and at the same time you advance to the structure


  • A first test version of the micro-electronic control, therefore, operates in proportional mode and is connected to a receiver. The drive forward / backward stick movement is via the remote control.
    The first results of the tests with micro electronic proportional control and motor fed directly from the receiver were good, all the better.
    I should also mention that the jack can be powered up to 7.4 volts, or with 2s LiPo, such as high voltage servos. In this case the jack has even more brilliant performance, but at the end of the day vitare overheating use should be limited in time, such as when lifting platforms and the like. For drives frequent and prolonged, as in MMT, the voltage should instead be to speak receiver, or from 5 to 6 volts.

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  • Looks good! :gut:

    quite interesting work. :)

    please keep us uptodate with new Information :bitte:

    Die besten Ideen kommen einem beim :trinken: :rolleyes:

  • The prototype lacks the leadership in the polymer, then the shaft rubs against the brass edge

    The prototype lacks many parts, and only a test of strength!

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    9 KG

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    It 'clear that with such cargo movements are slowed down.

    Here kg. 10

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  • Takes shape. In the photo the rudder from full CNC machined aluminum.
    Alloy wheels with bolts.
    The type of truck is provided dimesioni do not overdo it, because it is a low-bed trailer to load agricultural crawler. These platform trailer genralmente are limited in size. But I specifically chose a model among the most capable in its class, so you can upload, although precise accuracy, even the 634.


  • In the first picture, on the support surface, is visible to the door plate, yet to be mounted.
    The trailer will have personalized license plate, which will be built on the instructions of the client, for example, based on your location, the eventual plaque already on the model to which the trailer will be attached to your name, or simply according to their imagination,


  • Very nice cylinder, you can buy such cylinders with you, or where you get them?
    Maybe you could tell a little more about these cylinders show pictures would be very helpful, thank you.



    GAS - Lavanttal