The 9th. channel is NOT a channel!
These two pins are for an external control-LED (activity-LED) - optional.

Switch model on radio?
The 9th. channel is NOT a channel!
These two pins are for an external control-LED (activity-LED) - optional.Ok, but which pin is chanel one on the module?
Sorry, but why do you need "channel ONE"?
The modul is a pass-thru type. The opposite side of the input (cable from receiver) is the corresponding output.
Take one cable, put it into your receiver channel 3 (for example) and the opposite side (3-pin connector) is now channel 3. -
Sorry, but why do you need "channel ONE"?
The modul is a pass-thru type. The opposite side of the input (cable from receiver) is the corresponding output.
Take one cable, put it into your receiver channel 3 (for example) and the opposite side (3-pin connector) is now channel 3.Ok, thanks for that, cleared things up for me!
Im going mad soon i think, i have done some testing this evening.
1. CTI module 1 in my excavator binds all good from the switch, i can
run it for about 30 secs to 3 minutes before my left track goes slower
in reverse, or the whole CTI unit shuts down.I have tryed a lot of things today, i have tryed different servos, i
thought maybe one servo was bad and messed up the binding, i tryed just
the tracks and pump to see if it worked, still the same thing.I also tryed without the CTI module, then everything works like it
should, i think i will throw the CTI module in the garbage can!2. CTI module 2 in my dumper, it only binds at times, sometimes first
try, sometimes i have to restart the radio and flip the switch and
repeat that until it binds, if i unplug the battery to my excavator the
dumper binds directly.This really makes me upset, i cant understand why it doesnt work, only
thing i can think of now is that my excavator reciver is bad and causing
the problem with my excavator, cant think of anything else.I cant understand why the excavator binds all good but the dumper does
not, only when the excavator is shut off the dumper will bind.I guess i have to get up and down in that damn chair this summer!