Stahl LR 632 - Alokocat version - English inside -

  • Hi all,

    I hope it's ok to post in english in this forum.

    I wanted to share the pleasure I have operating the STAHL model imitating the LIEBHERR Laderaupe LR632B.
    i bough the model at TTM Modellbau, went to the shop to meet Mr thiel which is a really nice person...and speaks english !
    He painted and build all the electric hydraulic parts, I was really new into this hobby and was afraid of mistakes, now I have learnt a lot operating the loader and I expect to built my next model by myself.

    I've made a few videos the last months, you can find them at my YouTube channel here :

    Also I've recently made some pictures :

    Photo Gallery of last WE here :

    So far I only did a few modifications as the model is really good as it is sold.

    I've added some extra weight on the back of the chassis, under the Accus pack. it's now more confortable to operate under rough terrain and it also add some counterweight when loading the bucket.

    i've added some velcro rubber bands to seal the hood and the chassis, I had one incident when the loader almost felt from a small cliff and some dirt came into the hood and chassis, causing troubles to the hydraulics. I had to flush/ventil the hydraulic pump as recommended by Mr Leimbach.

    I've sligthly bent the overhead of the bucket, which is looks more realistic now and I also have better bucket angle, not enough to me but it's a start.

    I've had a trouble with the piece attaching the upper cylinder to the front plate, one of my friend built a replacement piece waiting for Mr Thiel to send the new one and I am still using it, strong enough for me.

    If you have any advices, Ill be glad to listen to your ideas.

    You can find many pictures of the loader here :

    I hope Im not against the rule by posting in english but as Im a frequent visitor of this forum for many years I wanted to share the fun !



  • Hi Dimitri

    for me it´s OK to post in english, I can understand...

    It´s a nice one you had there!! :Top:

    Gruß Alex :Top:

  • Thanks for your kind words Iguana ;)

    It's thanks to you germans I am now in this hobby, I think I should do my best to promote RC model :thumbup:


  • HAhahha...yes I really should :P

    to be honest next plan is not set in stone yet.

    If I go to a dumper, I'd like the Volvo A25 from Stahl as Im very satisfied with them.
    But If i raise enough money ill go for an excavator like the 922...or one Damitz :love:

    But my favorite kind of models are the tracked loader, I just seen one CAT 973 made by this company :

    Ill gather informations as I never heard about this company before but their 973 looks really good.

    So you can see there is years of construction model in front of me :D

    Have a nice day,



  • Hi all,

    I did some work on my track loader this WE, I replaced the original bucket with a new one I made out of steel.

    I really liked the look of the LR634 bucket so I choosed to build this one.

    Here is a short video i just did .

    The loader is now very nice to work with as it replicates the real bucket / arm tilt axis a lot better. It's a nice improvement over the stock version.


  • zwei anderen videos !

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  • Hi all,

    After a long break due to rainy season and ferocious mosquitos :cursing: I had the opportunity to work with my loader this afternoon.
    I made some internal changes (that Ill comment later) and my main problem is the accus pack are now working for a very short time. For the last 3 months I havent used them and I guess I should have at least charged and decharged them on a weekly basis, what do you recommend ?

    Well here is the first video :


    Enjoy !


  • Hi Dimitri,

    nice model do you have there. The bucket looks really good!

    Normally the accus should be charged after usage with 50 percent of thier normal capacity and than stored in a cool and dry environment. So I do.
    Did you store them uncharged? That could be the reason for this issue. If yes, they could be damaged.

    Wich kind of accu-loader do you have? Simple or computer-aided? Which kind of cells are you using? NIMH or NICD?

    Best regards

    Gruß Alexander

    :fuck: - M A N - Alles was Mann braucht :fuck:

    Hintenrum ist kürzer als zu Fuß und Nachts ist kälter als draußen :thumbup:

  • Thanks for this quick answer Alexander.

    im using a computer controlled charger with Nimh packs from TTM Modellbau (Sanyo 2700 inside).
    I think i stored them non charged, that would probably be the issue. I had 3 packs, all of them are damaged but I saved one by using a 5 x cycle decharge-charge yesterday. Charge is 2.00 and decharge is 0.50. (it took me around 6 or 7 hours !)

    Beside this Im living in Ivory coast and it's actually the rainy season here with hot temperature, exactly the oppositte of what you recommend :Denk:

    After this, the accus pack was working for around 45 mins which is ok, before I had no problem running them for 75 mins. Ill try to do the same on each other accus pack.

    once again, thanks for your help, have a nice day.


  • Beside this Im living in Ivory coast and it's actually the rainy season here with hot temperature, exactly the oppositte of what you recommend :Denk:

    The climate is not relevant as long the temparature isn´t too hot. But accus can get extremely warm when they are under usage. In my track loader the accu (4000mAh) gets really warm (40-50 degrees). Now adding the climate of your region could be a problem. But I think more of the reason that the accus havent been used and stored uncharged for a longer period.

    After this, the accus pack was working for around 45 mins which is ok, before I had no problem running them for 75 mins. Ill try to do the same on each other accus pack

    Do so an report the results :thumbup:

    Nice day for you too!


    Gruß Alexander

    :fuck: - M A N - Alles was Mann braucht :fuck:

    Hintenrum ist kürzer als zu Fuß und Nachts ist kälter als draußen :thumbup:

  • Hi all,

    After my various issues with accu packs, i decided to build a new one from scratch and I am now able to work with the loader again :thumbup:

    I previouslyhad a problem with the 2 back wheeled who are attached to the motors, I had to change this 2 pieces after around 120/140 hours of work.
    (pictures availablein the 1st video).

    I made them new from steel, I was thinkin of trying the new eleemnts in the sand, as you will see in the videos, everyting's working great !

    Enjoy !


    Part 2 :


    part 3 is coming....


  • Hi all,

    While my Volvo A25C is waiting for some missing parts from the kit from Stahl, last WE I had some fun running the Tracked Loader in the garden.

    This time I have mounted a special camera on top of the loader to get a sense of the driver's view.
    The camera is great, it's a GoPro HD Hero which is mainly used for motorsports, kitte, sky diving etc. You can fix it almost anywhere easily.

    I have done a series of 3 videos, 2 are already available :

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    Enjoy !


  • Alokocat,


    When I saw that you had posted here in English, I just had to respond! I have recently discovered scale model r/c construction equipment, and I am absolutely stunned- I had no idea such models existed! I mean, with working hydraulics @ 10+ bar, healthy operating weights, metal construction, and the ability to actually dig... Wow! I am completely blown away. These things are pricey, but worth every cent. I hope in the near future that I will be able to afford at least one of these amazing machines...

    I have been soaking up information like a sponge, to the point that I have signed up for a forum in German, which I do not even understand! I have been watching your videos here, and on at least one other forum, and would like to say that they are among the best I have seen (and there have been thousands, believe me- all I do is watch r/c and construction videos). Your sense of scale and attention to detail are amazing, and when combined with your exceptionally smooth operating skills, make it difficult to tell sometimes if these videos are scale or real life. If I didn't immediately recognize the entire "Alokocat Construction Company" fleet, I would have to look very closely to tell the difference.

    Thank you for putting them up. Your threads are entertaining, and informational as well- it isn't easy to find information about these vehicles because they occupy such a specialized, niche market. Very nicely done!

    With much respect,