Which Lipo do you use for your 966G and 345D?

Welchen Lipo verwendest du für deinen 966G und 345D?
I am using these now Lipo 3S 50C 8000mAh Click Link .
Do they fit in the original location without modifying/moving too many components? Im assuming thats for the 345d?
Is tied but they fit.
The reason they fit is I don't have the OEM Filter anymore in that location. The filter is located now in front of the pump in the return line.
I use two types of homemade batteries. One 5000mA and this 6800mA. Both fit in batterycompartment om my 966
Very nice! It's very difficult to find a high capacity lipo that will fit in the original location for 966g. I have spent alot of time searching for a lipo. I currently use a 1800mah lipo and run time is not long. But with 6800mah! Wow
Yes also took me time to find.
Can try to take pictures start of the week -
Hey dude I'm just building my wedico 966 to possibly find suggestions for yours.
look here -
I use Floureon 5000mAh and Ovonic 8000mAh they fit that space.
Bernd -
Hi Bernd, is that for the 966g?
pictures og batteries out of 966 and mounted in it
I use the Lipos in my 345. I don't have a 966G.
Hallo, ich kann wie MALAWICARSTEN Li-Ion Akku Packs empfehlen. Habe dazu auch ein Video gemacht wie man die selber bauen kann.
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Anyone using premacon lipo in the 966g?